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September 30, 2022How To Increase Lifespan Of Marble Surface?

How To Increase Lifespan Of Marble Surface? A marble surface can certainly bring elegance to any room. However, it is also susceptible to damage. That is why you have to try and do everything you can to increase the lifespan of the Marble surface on your premises. Fortunately, there are a few steps that you can undertake in this regard.
The post below covers the steps to help you understand how to increase your life span.
How To Increase Lifespan Of Marble Surface?

To increase the lifespan of the Marble surface, you can polish it from time to time, use proper cleaning supplies, completely avoid acidic substances, eliminate the stains, and keep a rug or carpet on it whenever possible.
These steps sound simple, but there are a few details you need to follow. We will go into the details below to help you understand how you can better protect the marble surface.
1. Polish the marble from time to time:
The very first thing you need to do is to get the marble surface polished from time to time. Most homeowners think that polishing is needed for an aesthetically pleasing Marble surface. However, the advantages of polishing are quite a few.
In addition to the aesthetics, polishing will create an additional layer on the marble surface. That is why, when any material or liquid comes in contact with the marble surface, it will come in contact with the polishing layer rather than the Marble surface. It means that there will be no damage to the marble surface.
Sure enough, the polished layer cannot keep everything at bay, but it is certainly good to have an additional protective layer in place. The first step is to polish the marble surface every year or two.
2. Ensure a sealer is in place:
Any marble surface can be made from different pieces of marble. Whether it is the marble flooring or the marble countertop, it is usually built using different pieces of marble. The assembling is done using different pieces of marble, so there are often gaps.
Whenever a liquid falls in these gaps, it can seep through. This can damage the marble surface from within. Usually, such damage is not visible because the damage is first caused within. By the time the outer surface of the marble gets damaged, it is already too late.
There is a simple solution to this problem. You must use a sealer to seal the gaps between the marble pieces. Once you do so, the liquid will not seep through and remain on the top. Consequently, cleaning any spillovers without damaging the marble surface will become easy.
3. Use proper supplies for cleaning:
Sure enough, the marble surface is quite sturdy. However, if you do not clean it with the right equipment, slowly but steadily, it can suffer from wear and tear and damage. Instead of experimenting with different cleaners and supplies, it is a good idea to go with the choices we will highlight below.
- Specially formulated cleaner:
Instead of using any cleaner, you can find, it is advisable to go with one specially designed for marble surfaces. Such cleaners are not aggressively acidic and will not lead to discoloration or wear and tear.
- Soft cloth:
If you want to use a mop or cloth, ensure that it is made from microfiber fabric. That way, there will be no scratches on the marble surface, and at the same time, all the liquids will be absorbed as well.
- Lukewarm water:
Instead of using cold water, it is good to use lukewarm water. That will allow you to easily remove the stains and any residue from the marble surface.
Once you stick to the supplies, you will get a clean marble surface and a long-lasting one.
4. Avoid acidic substances:

Many foodstuffs and beverages are acidic. Some of them might fall on the marble surface when you’re consuming them. In that case, the amount of wear and tear the marble surface will suffer from will be much higher.
A better idea is to avoid contact with such acidic substances on the marble surface. For the same, you can use coasters and plates if you’re speaking about the countertop.
Otherwise, if you’re speaking about the floors, it is better to ensure they do not spill over on the marble surface.
Either way, you must take great care that acidic substances do not come in contact with the surface if you want to increase its lifespan.
5. Take care of stains as soon as possible:

No matter how hard you try, there will be some stains on the marble surface. While you cannot avoid the stains, you can limit the damage caused by the stains.
The best way to limit this damage is to clean the stains as soon as possible. For the same, you have to use the right cleaning supplies, as highlighted above.
It means that if foodstuffs fall on the marble surface at dinner time, it is not wise to wait for the next day to clean the marble surface. A better approach will be to clean the marble surface right after dinner. That way, the foodstuffs won’t cause much damage, and the life span of the marble surface will be higher.
6. Use mats and rugs wherever possible:

Any cover over the marble surface can protect it very well. For example, you can keep coasters or microfiber cloth on the countertop and then keep the appliances over it.
If you’re speaking about the marble floor, a much better idea is to use mats or rugs whenever possible. That way, if something spills over or falls on the marble surface, it won’t come in direct contact with it.
Using such layers to protect the marble surface also means that the dust, contaminants, and particulate pollutants won’t come in contact with the marble surface. Consequently, the wear and tear of the marble surface will be limited, and its lifespan will be higher.
How To Increase Lifespan Of Marble Surface? – Conclusion:

Instead of just thinking that cleaning the marble surface will help you increase its lifespan, it is better to follow the tips highlighted above. Once you follow the tips highlighted in the guide, it is easy for you to reduce the wear and tear and damage. Consequently, it will become easier to continue with the same marble surface without replacing or repairing it for years together.